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Micro Surgery Instruments

Micro Surgery Instruments
Microsurgery Instruments
A major concern for all of us at New Med Instruments is the quality of our products. We do not cut corners, compromise, or indulge ourselves in the previous success. Staying on top of every business requires a strong desire to innovate and an ability to grow based on constructive feedback and advice. We see medicine as a fast developing field of science and an opportunity for us to be creative leaders of the medical instruments manufacturing industry.
Microsurgery is a rapidly growing surgical field. Micro surgical procedures are based on delicate manipulation of micro structures require highly precise and reliable instruments. At New Med Instruments we offer an exceptional range of micro instruments for application in various surgical procedures.

A Supreme Range of Microsurgery Instruments
Micro surgical procedures are performed in a variety of surgical fields including Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery, Dermatology, Ear Nose and Throat Surgery, Dental Surgery, and General Surgery. New Med Instruments offers a supreme range of micro surgery instruments which includes:● Micro Needle Holder● Eyelid Speculum● Micro Scissors● Micro Clamps● Micro Forceps● Vessels Dilators

Premium Features of Our Micro Surgical Instruments
New Med Instruments’ micro needle holders are precisely designed to enable a secure grip and lessen the hand fatigue.
The micro scissors features extremely sharp blades build for precision. The scissor’s holders are ergonomically adjusted for comfortable use.With their powerful and reliable grip,
New Med Instruments’ micro clamps are designed to be used for holding delicate tissues as well as tendons and blood vessels.Microsurgery demands precision before anything. The instruments used for such procedures as delicate tissue transfers, nerve repair, reattachment of amputated body parts, peripheral blood vessels anastomosis, and many others are required to perform flawlessly. Micro instruments that we have on offer, at New Med, provide all that and more. They are highest quality medical tools intended to give the best possible support and assistance to medical professionals.All of our instruments and equipment for microsurgery are crafted to perfection using only the best, modern materials and technologies. The instruments are also reusable as they can be fully sterilized. New Med guarantees a life time, no wear, and no stain application of these products. Medical professionals who choose to give their trust to New Med Instruments will find that our products are top of the line and of the highest quality.
Model: NMD03221
Agulha Casagrande NeedleNewmed® Agulha Casagrande Needle is a thin, narrow surgical needle, at times a micro-needle, with a sharp tip, ordinarily used in delicate operations for its narrow tip and sharp tip, resembling a Reverdin needle but thinner, most often used in microsurgery and cosmetic surge..
Model: NM-DI-206015
Barraquer Micro Needle Holder NewMed® Needle holders are designed for very tiny sutures. The special lock mechanism prevents the seam from tangling, allowing the needle to be directed through coarse gingival tissue under-regulated grip pressure. These small and lightweight needle holders have b..
Model: NM-GRY-561
Eyelid SpeculumNewmed® Barraquer Wire Eyelid Speculum is an important tool in eye surgical procedures, designed to enable proper retraction of the lid for enhanced visualization and access to the eye. It is most frequently used in lens extraction in cataract operations, in manipulation and visualiza..
Model: NMD0544521
Berke Ptosis ForcepsNewmed® Berke Ptosis Forcep provides a variety of surgical benefits. Its primary function is to give an atraumatic technique to retain the levator muscle and tendon while modifying their insertions and repairing ptosis. The tool has deeply curved jaws that adapt to the architectu..
Model: NM-DI-9006
Blondeel Scissors Round HandleNewmed® Blondeel Scissors are ergonomically designed and include sharp cutting points for rapid and effective incisions, such as those used to remove tumors or aneurysms. The round handle micro instrument handle, which combines the ring handle design for fine struc..
Model: NMA00225
Bonn Artery Scissors Newmed® Bonn Artery Scissors Ball Tip are cutting-edge surgical scissors for dissecting arteries and soft tissue during surgical procedures in a delicate and atraumatic manner, with rounded, tip-shaped tips for dissecting soft tissue and arteries with no trauma to adjacent ..
Model: NM-DI-206016
Castroviejo Needle HolderNewMed® Castroviejo Needle Holder, Smooth Delicate Jaw With Diamond Surface. This Needle Holder offers a wide range of surgical advantages and Ideal tool in Cardiovascular and microsurgical procedures. This Instrument is commonly used for precision in delicate sutu..
Model: NM-DI-9003
Castroviejo ScissorsNewmed® Castroviejo Scissors are used to cut tissues during cataract surgery, retinal detachment surgery, and chalazion treatment. Cut tissues during cataract surgery, retinal detachment surgery, and chalazion treatment. Unique, spring action design with blades that are sharp to ..
Model: NM-DI-9005
Castroviejo Scissors Round HandleNewmed® Castroviejo Micro Scissors – Round Handle – Straight/Curved Tips in Cardiothoracic surgeries, micro scissors are frequently used to cut or dissect vascular systems. They include a rounded grip for simple manipulation and blades with both blunt and sharp point..
Model: NMD1392024
Corneal Eyeshield - pair of twoNewmed® Corneal Eyeshield eye shields have a suction cup or handle for removal. These are for the patient's safety, as they protect the eyes during blepharoplasty surgery or any other procedure that involves the usage of sharp items around the eyes and eyelid. Addition..
Model: NMD13192024
David Baker DB lid clampsNewmed® David Baker DB lid clamps are a high-tech device specifically engineered for careful and controlled upper lid retraction in laser blepharoplasty operations. Made with extreme care, this critical tool prioritizes patient comfort and security and offers a surgeon a dep..
Model: NM-GRY-03
Debakey Cross Action Bulldog ClampNewmed® Debakey Bulldog Clamp is a flexible, soft surgical occlusion device for blood during cardiac and thoracic operations, specifically coronary operations. With its curved shape and cross-action mechanism, it clamps blood vessels trauma-freely. Straight and curv..
Model: NM-DI-206017
Double-Action Micro Needle Holder NewMed® Double-Action Micro Needle Holder—Round Handle W/ Diamond Surface. This Needle Holder offers a wide range of surgical advantages and is an Ideal tool in ophthalmic and microsurgical procedures. It is commonly used for precision stitching and suturing so..
Model: NM-DI-8025
Jewellers ForcepsNewmed® Jeweller Forcep is a specialized surgical instrument used for handling fine tissues that can be easily damaged by other instruments. It is commonly used in ocular and neuro surgeries for tissue manipulation and dissection. Often used in ophthalmic, neuro, and cardiovascular ..
Model: NM-DI-8021
Long Vessel DilatorNewmed® Vessel dilators are used for several microsurgical procedures. The 45-degree angle is ideal for working in the horizontal plane. These dilators are particularly intended for microsurgery and are mild on smaller vessels. The highly polished parallel tips are perfect for reg..
Model: NM-DI-8051
Micro Adson Fixation ForcepsNewmed® Adson tissue forceps are specialist instruments for grasping and stabilizing soft tissue. The toothed Adson forceps are employed on tissues that require a tight hold, such as fascia, skin, or the abdominal wall. 1×2 teeth Adson Micro Tissue Forceps are used for a ..
Model: NM-DI-206028
Micro Vessel ClampsNewmed® Micro Vessel Clamp is a medical device specifically designed for use by cardiovascular surgeons for occluding and holding blood vessels' cut ends, in a static position, in an attempt not to allow blood loss during an intervention. Vascular Clamps clamp blood vessels in an ..
Model: NMAZ426
Micro Clamp Applying ForcepsNewmed® Microsurgical clamp applying forceps is a specialized tool that cardiovascular and neurosurgeons use to apply vessel clamps in the severed ends of arteries and veins, to control hemostasis during surgery. When Vessel clamps are held in these forceps, the clam..
Model: NM-DI-8050
Pierse ForcepsNewmed® Micro Pierse Forcep is a specialized device used to dissect fragile tissues. Its dual function allows surgeons to grab tissues while also dilating small vessels to improve blood flow. Frequently used in ophthalmology, ENT, plastic, and cardiovascular surgery.Micro Pierse Forcep..
Model: NMA00122
Potts Micro Scissors AngledNewMed® Potts-micro scissors with angled blades feature ball tips, also known as ball-type scissors, these scissors are specialized surgical instruments that cardiovascular and neurosurgeons use for microsurgery procedures. Features 7mm blade 1mm ball and 18cm overall leng..
Model: NMD9044321
Putterman eyelid CreaserNewmed® Putterman Eyelid Creaser is a micro-surgical device for use in blepharoplasty and lid operations. It enables one to mark the ideal upper lid crease position with accuracy, offering flawless aesthetic results. By inserting the device in the upper lid fold, one can..
Model: NM-GRZ-0016
Putterman Gladstone ClampNewmed® Putterman Gladstone Transmarginal Clamp is a specialized surgical instrument that Ophthalmic, Cataract, and Plastic Surgeons use in eyelid and blepharoplasty Procedures. Designed to facilitate the transmarginal rotation procedure to treat eyelid cicatricial entropion..
Model: NM-GSI-0001145798
Putterman Muscle ClampNew Med's Putterman Mullers Muscle Conjunctival Resection Ptosis Clamp is a specialized surgical instrument that Ophthalmic and Eyelid surgeons can use during the Mullers muscle-conjunctival resection ptosis procedure. Designed to clamp the conjunctiva and the Muller’s muscle, ..
Model: NM-DI-8024
Round Bodied Vessel DilatorNewmed® Round Bodied Vessel Dilator is designed to put the center of gravity between the thumb and index finger. This is accomplished by adding a slight counterweight to the proximal end of the instruments. The design enhances the tactile feel, aiding in better control and..
Model: NM-DI-206021
Ultra Fine Round Bodied Vessel DilatorNewmed® Ultra Fine Round Bodied Vessel Dilator is for use in microvascular and cardiovascular interventions, providing safe and meticulous blood vessel dilation with reduced trauma. It creates meticulous dilation of a vessel with reduced trauma, with an eas..
Model: NM-DI-206023
Ultra Fine ScissorsNewmed® Ultra Fine Microsurgical scissors are specifically designed for high-precision dissections of soft and mucous tissues in delicate procedures. They are widely used in microsurgery and neurosciences for tissue dissection with the least trauma, and with their thin, sharp tips..
Model: NM-DI-201609
Ultra Fine Vessel DilatorNewmed® Ultra Fine Vessel Dilator has blunt ends that prevent piercing injury to tissues. As a result, it penetrates tiny blood arteries to assist in eliminating plaque buildup, dislodging thrombus, and restoring blood flow through the lumen.  The Vessel Dilator ha..
Model: NM-DI-206020
Ultra Fine Vessel Dilator AngledNewmed® Ultra Fine Vessel Dilator Angled has blunt ends that prevent piercing injury to tissues. As a result, it penetrates tiny blood arteries to assist in eliminating plaque buildup, dislodging thrombus, and restoring blood flow through the lumen.  The Ves..
Model: NM-GRZ-0015
Uzcategui Eyelid ClampNewmed® Uzcategui Eyelid Clamp is a specialized surgical instrument that ophthalmic and plastic surgeons use in eyelid surgery procedures. The reverse action clamp with screw lock is designed for ptosis repair by internal approach, both for Muller’s Muscle Conjunctival Resectio..
Model: NM-DI-8003
Vessel Dilator Newmed® Vessel Dilator has blunt ends that prevent piercing injury to tissues. As a result, it penetrates tiny blood arteries to assist in eliminating plaque buildup, dislodging thrombus, and restoring blood flow through the lumen.  The Vessel Dilator has a small prong ..
Model: NM-DI-8100
Vessel Dilator AngledNewmed® Vessel Dilator Angled has blunt ends that prevent piercing injury to tissues. As a result, it penetrates tiny blood arteries to assist in eliminating plaque buildup, dislodging thrombus, and restoring blood flow through the lumen.  The Vessel Dilator has a smal..
Model: NM-DI-8002
Vessel DilatorNewmed® Vessel Dilator Angled has blunt ends that prevent piercing injury to tissues. As a result, it penetrates tiny blood arteries to assist in eliminating plaque buildup, dislodging thrombus, and restoring blood flow through the lumen.  The Vessel Dilator has a small prong..
Model: NM-DI-8022
Vessel Dilator Long, Curved tips Newmed® Vessel Dilator Long, Curved tips have blunt ends that prevent piercing injury to tissues. As a result, it penetrates tiny blood arteries to assist in eliminating plaque buildup, dislodging thrombus, and restoring blood flow through the lumen.  ..
Model: NM-DI-8020
Vessel DilatorNewmed® Vessel Dilator has blunt ends that prevent piercing injury to tissues. As a result, it penetrates tiny blood arteries to assist in eliminating plaque buildup, dislodging thrombus, and restoring blood flow through the lumen.  The Vessel Dilator has a small prong that m..
Model: NM-DI-789093
Westcott Stitch Scissors NewMed® proudly presents Westcott Stitch Scissors Curved - Sharp tips. This Scissor offers a wide range of surgical advantages and Ideal tool in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery procedures. This Instrument is commonly used precise cutting of sutures and..
Model: NM-DI-789272
Westcott Tenotomy Scissors NewMed® proudly introduces Westcott Tenotomy Scissors - Curved Blunt Tips. This Scissor offers a wide range of surgical advantages and Ideal tool in ophthalmologic surgical procedures. This Instrument is commonly used for fine tissue dissection in delicate s..
Showing 1 to 36 of 36 (1 Pages)